大学、社区 & 职业生涯

Most 维吉尼亚州 school children in 纽波特纽斯 have heard of Captain Christopher Newport1这座城市是以他的名字命名的. 也许有几个成年人知道他, 太, and his arrival on the 维吉尼亚州 Company’s three-masted bark Susan Constant in 1607. What most people forget are Newport’s repeated crossings of a furious and unpredictable Atlantic Ocean, to take information back to England and bring supplies (and more colonists) back to 维吉尼亚州. 当时, Newport used the fastest information technology (IT) available—the sailing ship—to get word and goods back to England. More than 400 years later, the city that bears his name is still a leader in information technology. 就像苏珊·康斯坦的复制品一样2 mainmast sails fly today, 网投平台 is squarely in the midst of IT education.


全年在网投平台上课 纽波特纽斯校区 on Omni Boulevard, a student can graduate in as few as 2.毕业5年 IT管理本科学历. 在那段时间里, you will meet energetic and dynamic fellow students and faculty who understand both your passion for learning and your need for balance in life. Wherever you go in 纽波特纽斯, you are never far from the sea. 随之而来的是对休闲的欣赏, 对刺激的渴望, 以及对地平线之外的探索.

网投平台’s campus is nestled in the City Center of 纽波特纽斯, 靠近娱乐和艺术. The campus itself is a self-contained office building that can barely contain the energy of the students inside. When you attend IT management classes at 网投平台, 我们想让你觉得自己是这个家庭的一员. Our practical philosophy and flexible course scheduling attracts students from miles around the Peninsula—from Hampton to Williamsburg and all of the cities in between: Poquoson, 约克城, 格洛斯特, 约克城, 及以后.


That family feeling extends to the good works 网投平台 faculty and students do for the 纽波特纽斯 community. 你可以加入校园社团:

  • 商业俱乐部
  • 认证俱乐部
  • 游戏俱乐部


  • 美国癌症协会
  • 美国红十字会
  • 弗吉尼亚半岛的食物银行
  • 女孩懂了



作为一名IT管理专业的学生, you clearly have career plans to do more than join clubs and help charities. 网投平台 understands your drive to get your education, 准备好你的证件, 找到合适的雇主. Local administration of vital IT entry-level exams is available right at the 网投平台 campus:

  • 亚洲最佳网投十大信誉平台管理注册助理(CAPM)3
  • 前年亚洲最佳网投十大信誉平台+4
  • 亚洲最佳网投十大信誉平台管理专业人员(PMP)5


网投平台 works with local employers to provide opportunities for students to experience the real world of business and IT in the field. 在纽波特纽斯,我们与以下雇主合作:

  • 球公司
  • 电子系统
  • 徽章技术服务
  • Zel技术

These 纽波特纽斯 and area companies take on 网投平台 students and in turn provide valuable feedback to the IT program, to make it better and more appropriate for today’s emerging trends.


Many companies, not just IT companies, have need of IT professionals to manage their IT departments. Local 纽波特纽斯, Hampton, Norfolk, and area businesses that are active in IT hiring include:

  • 跨服务公司
  • Aerotek
  • 顶点系统
  • KMM科技有限公司.
  • TEKSystems

When you work as a technology professional with an IT management background, you can be instrumental in many area sectors beyond the obvious computer and information service industries:

  • 银行
  • 食品服务
  • 金融企业
  • 运输业,包括地区船厂


In your grandparents’ time, IT may have meant IBM punch cards or even typewriters. The path to the future is littered with brilliant castoffs. 没有人能准确地预测未来, but the field for IT managers is becoming both more reactive and more complex.9

曾经大型计算机工作的地方, IT设备是移动的, 可穿戴, 和短暂的, 存在于手腕和云中. 今天’s IT manager has to communicate to computer-savvy and inexperienced users. Creative and finance departments alike share in decision-making that affects IT departments.

Tomorrow’s IT managers must be proficient in many skills:

  • 会计
  • 电脑
  • 道德
  • 市场营销
  • 微观经济学
  • 战略规划

The entry-level IT manager recently graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in 工商管理 may rapidly rise in importance and responsibility in a local 纽波特纽斯 organization and work closely with C-suite executives, 比如cio和cfo. 网投平台’s innovative program for IT management includes valuable experiences with practical learning across all the skill areas.


Because of its strong links with the 纽波特纽斯 business community, 网投平台’s IT management program has the pulse of 资讯科技业. The 37-semester-hour core curriculum provides a solid grounding in all areas of IT management. The additional 28 semester hours for the IT management concentration will prepare you for change, 新技术, 软件及其他. With 16 semester hours of electives available, you can explore your own particular passion. 一些典型的选修课包括:

  • 代码设计与调试
  • 中间路由和交换
  • 面向对象编程(c++)
  • UNIX管理
  • Web客户端脚本


记住克里斯托弗·纽波特船长? 在他两次回英国的旅途中, 他带走了他希望是金矿的东西, to impress the 维吉尼亚州 Company’s investors and make himself wealthy. Both times, he had shipped back pyrite—fool’s gold—to his embarrassment and near financial ruin.10 今天, 当你看到纽波特纽斯的组合, 当地的商业, 资讯科技业, 和网投平台, you will realize the real path to riches may lie before you in 网投平台’s Bachelor of Science Degree in 工商管理 with a concentration in IT管理. 联系网投平台 today to learn how you can find a place in our community of learners.






